All Levels
Welcome Center – $19,800
Throughout the school year, the Welcome Center serves as a hub for meeting the social service needs of 509J families. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Foundation is ensuring the continuation of Welcome Center services throughout the summer. Staff will fill requests for food, hygiene items and emergency financial assistance as well as referring families to other agencies for additional support. This work is in direct response to the basic, economic, and food security needs of students.
Care and Connect – $24,000
This program will serve students and families from kindergarten through grade twelve. The focus will be on families in crisis and students who were unable to connect with teachers, staff, and administrators for distance learning throughout the spring. Staff will assess the mental health status of students, identify families’ basic needs, and provide resources for further support.
Multiple Sites: Kindergarten Academy — $25,000 (canceled)
This three-week, invitation-only summer program is focused on social and emotional learning for students entering kindergarten. Students practice skills like how to line up, how to ask for help, how to share, and playground etiquette to build confidence and prepare for the upcoming year.
Middle School
Cheldelin and Linus Pauling Summer Success Camps — $11,336
This two-week summer boost for incoming 6th graders helps prepare students for a successful start to their middle school math experience. In addition to honing their academic skills, students will practice organizational and time management skills, meet key staff, and understand the expectations of 6th graders.
High School
Corvallis High School English Acceleration — $2,510
This three-week program is geared toward 10th through 12th graders who are deficient in English credits. Students are required to complete four credits of English in order to graduate with a regular diploma. Geared toward emerging bilingual students, this class will allow students to earn .5 credit of English and get one step closer to graduation.
English Credit Recovery — $2,237
This four-week course at Corvallis High School is for students who failed a semester of language arts. We acknowledge that online English courses do not adequately replace the experience of taking a course in a classroom with a teacher. Therefore, this intensive course allows students to complete reading and writing tasks meant to build skills and supplement work they completed over the course of the year.
High School Credit Recovery — $10,000
This five-week program serves students enrolled in Corvallis High School, Crescent Valley High School, and College Hill and is designed to help students catch up on credits to either complete final graduation requirements or get back on track in their progress toward graduation. This program is open to any high school student who has failed a class or is behind in credits.