Foundation Grants have made the following summer programs possible:
Summer SAFE (Student Allies For Equity) – $5,500
To provide opportunities for incoming 6th graders to understand leadership opportunities better and build their capacity for potential leadership roles at the middle school level and beyond. Activities are facilitated by staff of color and aim to build relationships, increase self-advocacy, and explore ways to have a voice.
Project-based enrichment for Latino youth – $18,400
Opportunity for students to participate in a variety of enrichment opportunities including STEM, art, project-based learning, etc. to provide exposure and experiences that many Latino youth may not be able to participate in otherwise.
Wilderness Experience for High School – $20,807
Students prepared for and planned an experiential learning program that provided physical, social, and technical skills development as well as a unique immersion in the natural world. This course involved daily hiking, packing, camp set up, orienteering, leadership, teamwork obligatory components, food management, etc. Students at this camp also earned science and P.E. credits.
Credit Recovery- Language Arts, Math, and Social Studies – $30,000
To serve students enrolled in Corvallis High School, Crescent Valley High School, and College Hill and designed to help students catch up on credits to either complete final graduation requirements or get back on track in their progress toward graduation.
Care and Connect – $14,000
This program served students and families from kindergarten through grade twelve. A focus on families in crisis and students who are unable to connect with teachers, staff, and administrators. Staff will assess the mental health status of students, identify families’ basic needs, and provide resources for further support.