
Multiple Sites: Kindergarten Academy — $34,000

A free, invitation-only summer program focused on social and emotional learning for students entering kindergarten. During this three-week camp, students will practice school routines like how to line up with other kids, how to ask for help, and how to share, and rules of the playground to help prepare them for their upcoming year.

Garfield ā€œPasaportesā€ Spanish Booster — $7,800

A two-week class for incoming 4th and 5th graders in the Garfield Dual Immersion program who need to boost their Spanish proficiency: Comprehension, production, and/or literacy.

Lincoln Salsa con Salsa — $7,800

A two-week program to promote growth in Spanish conversation and literacy skills through bailefolklorico (traditional dance) and cooking activities.

Mountain View Summer Reading Program — $2,164

A twice-a-week summer reading program located at the Lancaster Bridge Club House, where families can also benefit from the Corvallis School District Summer Lunch program, Willamette Housing Services After Summer Lunch Club, and the Corvallis Public Library Bookmobile.

Middle School

Cheldelin and Linus Pauling Math Camp — $9,884

A two-week summer boost for incoming 6th graders to help prepare them for a successful start to their middle school math experience. In addition to honing their academic skills, students will practice organizational strategies and time management, meet key staff, and understand the expectations of 6th graders.

Women of the Woods (WOW) Woodshop Camp — $7,887

A one-week after-school experience for 6th and 7th graders who are interested in learning about the process of woodworking, from the beginning idea to the finishing touch. While everyone is welcome, this class is intended to nurture girlsā€™ interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) opportunities.

High School

Corvallis High School English Acceleration — $2,280

A three-week program for 10th through 12th graders who are deficient in English credit. Students are required to complete four credits of English in order to graduate with a regular diploma. Geared toward emerging bilingual students, this class will allow students to earn .5 credit of English and get one step closer to graduation.

Corvallis High School English Credit Recovery — $2,235

This four-week intensive course is for students who failed a semester of language arts. We acknowledge that online English courses do not adequately replace the experience of taking a course in a classroom with a teacher. A crucial component to increasing graduation rates, this course allows students to complete reading and writing tasks meant to build skills and supplement work they completed over the course of the year.

Crescent Valley High School Writing Essential Skills — $1,290

This is a two-day class for juniors who have not yet shown proficiency in Writing Essential Skills, which is a graduation requirement.

PATHS Summer Team Building — $1,560

PATHS is a class offered during the school year for female students with disabilities at both CHS and CVHS. In PATHS students learn about social thinking, executive functioning, and communication, as well as how to advocate for themselves in higher education and their careers. This half-day, team-building field trip in late summer will build a sense of belonging, which in turn will boost learning outcomes during the school year.

Summer Field Ecology Camp — $5,000

This two-week camp is for sophomores and juniors at CHS and CVHS who are science deficient. The class will include field trips to different sites around Oregon where students can complete field studies. Successful participants will earn .5 credits in science.

Credit Recovery — $8,000

This program is designed to help students catch up on credits they missed during the school year. Courses are offered in an online format at Corvallis HIgh School, with support from educational assistants.

Total Investment: $90,000