Foundation Grants have made the following summer programs possible:
Summer Urban Farming – $5,000
To build and maintain the new Urban Farm through the Bridges Alternative Middle School Program. Students will experience hands-on learning with gardening, watering, landscaping, and building; as well as time in the classroom to help develop 2024-2025 Urban Farm program. Student’s classroom work will include: budgeting, planning, and art projects.
International Culinary Institute – $13,000
To provide Latino youth at Linus Pauling Middle School an enrichment opportunity to build community, develop culinary skills, and sharpen research and presentation skills. Students will work in groups to research a variety of geographical locations throughout the world, research factors that impact the culinary traditions of the area, and prepare traditional dishes.
Summer Field Ecology Institute – $10,843
A 2-week field ecology course for CV, College Hill, and CHS sophomores and juniors who love ecological science or are credit deficient. The class will include field trips to different sites around Oregon where students can complete field ecology studies. Focus on tide pools, estuarine mud flats, mixed conifer forest and oak woodlands, prairie meadows, rivers, and wetlands.
CHHS Urban Farm – $8,157
To support Urban Farm students working over the summer to harvest, market, and sell produce and maintain the grounds for the upcoming fall.
High School Credit Recovery – $100,000
To serve students enrolled in Corvallis High School, Crescent Valley High School, and College Hill and designed to help students catch up on credits to either complete final graduation requirements or get back on track in their progress toward graduation. This will support up to the provision of 240 credits. This more than doubles last year’s possible credit options.
Family Support – $13,000
Supporting students and families this summer with resource navigation and scholarships to community-based camps and activities.
Middle School Math Camps – $10,000
Summer curriculum for incoming 6th graders identified as benefitting from an additional growth mindset in order to find success in math. Camp activities will align with long-term academic milestones, such as Algebra 1 proficiency.
Expanded CORE curriculum skills for Visually Impaired Students – $5,863.68
To support skills to access the general education curriculum and to reduce the amount of pullout from the general education classroom during the school year, the students will continue their specific skill work on Braille Reading, Braille Math, Assistive Technology for the Blind, and Orientation/Mobility skills.