Our PIE participants are “core” to our success!

Monthly giving is a sustainable option for both donors and the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation. Many donors appreciate that their impact can be spread throughout the year while minimizing the stress on their budget. Recognizing the effort and commitment of monthly donors, the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation has given a name to this group: PIE—Partners In Education. Any way you slice this PIE, it is a sweet resource for Corvallis School District students and staff.

Our Partners In Education (PIE) program is a valuable resource for the Corvallis Public Schools Foundation and is as easy as pie. As a PIE participant, you are able to change or cancel your donation at any time. To become a PIE supporter simply make a gift online and select the “monthly donation” box, or arrange a monthly check directly from your financial institution.

If you are interested in learning more about the PIE Program for monthly donations, please contact our Community Engagement Manager, Erika Seirup: [email protected]